
This page will have a list of some of the resources we have used over the years.  They are not necessarily endoursements of any of them, though I would still recommend checking them out, nor are they in any particular order.  This list will be added to continually as time goes on and we either remember of find them.  This list will never be wholely complete, as some of our original resources have been lost over the years, or are no longer available.

I hope you find these as useful as we have.


Darwin's Black Box - Michael Behe
The Edge of Evolution  - Michael Behe
Darwin Retried - Norman Macbeth
The Devil's Delusion - David Berlinski
Higher Superstion - Paul R. Gross and Norman Levitt
Can America Survive? - Ben Stein and Philip DeMuth
What's so Great about Christianity - Dinesh D'souza
The Darwin Myth - Benjamin Wiker
Answering the New Atheism -  Benjamin Wiker and Scott Hahn
Moral Darwinism - Benjamin Wiker and William A. Dembski
Ten Books that Screwed up the World - Benjamin Wiker
What Darwin Got Wrong - Jerry A. Foder
Darwin's Blind Spot - Frank Ryan
Doubts about Darwin - Thomas Woodward
Intelligent Design Uncensored - William A. Dembski
Shattering the myths of Darwinisn - Richard Milton
Secular Sabotage - William A. Donahue
Dissent over Descent - Steve Fuller
Uncommon Dissent - Edited by William A. Dembski


Expelled - Ben Stein
