I hope you find these as useful as we have.
Darwin's Black Box - Michael Behe
The Edge of Evolution - Michael Behe
Darwin Retried - Norman Macbeth
The Devil's Delusion - David Berlinski
Higher Superstion - Paul R. Gross and Norman Levitt
Can America Survive? - Ben Stein and Philip DeMuth
What's so Great about Christianity - Dinesh D'souza
The Darwin Myth - Benjamin Wiker
Answering the New Atheism - Benjamin Wiker and Scott Hahn
Moral Darwinism - Benjamin Wiker and William A. Dembski
Ten Books that Screwed up the World - Benjamin Wiker
What Darwin Got Wrong - Jerry A. Foder
Darwin's Blind Spot - Frank Ryan
Doubts about Darwin - Thomas Woodward
Intelligent Design Uncensored - William A. Dembski
Shattering the myths of Darwinisn - Richard Milton
Secular Sabotage - William A. Donahue
Dissent over Descent - Steve Fuller
Uncommon Dissent - Edited by William A. Dembski
Expelled - Ben Stein